We give New Life.
When working on our collections, we experiment with a zero-waste approach, collaborating with specialized Italian suppliers to create our designs using archival leathers and fabrics. Ultimately, 95% of the collections were made this way, transforming previously forgotten materials into a carefully crafted new line. The experience inspired us to revisit this zero waste approach by committing to giving waste materials a second life.

Sustainable Bags
When it comes to conscious creativity, we believe it's the small changes that add up to make a big difference. Our commitment is constant in pursuing quality as we travel towards an increasingly sustainable future for Sabbatini & Turco.
We use Renewable Energy.
Our company is certified and verified by the “100% renewable energy” label. We respect the environment by using only energy produced from renewable sources such as water, sun, wind and heat from the earth, certified by the service manager's "Guarantees of Origin" system, based on EC (European Community) directives 2009/28/EC.

What do we do?
Our productions are managed in such a way as to minimize the use of natural resources, minimize pollution and negative impacts on the environment, preserve biodiversity and guarantee fair working conditions for workers.
We plant trees.
Our mission is to collaborate with the Tree-Nation platform on reforestation in at-risk areas around the world. It has been proven that planting trees is one of the most efficient solutions to combat climate change. Through our active commitment to reforestation and conservation projects, we help restore forests, create jobs, support local communities and protect biodiversity.

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